Monday, April 2, 2012

Randomness from me

Wow, long time since I've posted again! I don't really have much interesting to say at the moment, so here is just a little randomness from me. I promise I'll get some pictures up of my latest sewing projects later...

Just wanted to share a little something fun from "The Guild". (For more about them go to their official site. ) I happen to quite enjoy their music videos:
"I'm the One that's Cool" and "Do you want to date my avatar?:"
Go watch!

As a colleague has requested, here are some links to good (cheap) places to get fabric here in the Netherlands. (hah! your fault I remembered the blog here) These are not stores, but rather like large flea markets for fabric vendors. You definitely need to push and shove a bit here to see or buy any goodies however. Some of the ladies will swipe and buy fabric that you are still holding.

Stoffenbeurs, Stoffen Spektakl, Utrecht Fabric Market, and the Haagse Markt. Otherwise, it's ordering online, or going to one of the slightly more expensive places in the center of Den Haag for me. I prefer the markets because you can haggle, and you can sometimes find some nice cloth for ~0.50cents/meter if you're lucky. You can even find leather there.

I am debating whether or not to go to the Elf Fantasy Faire again this year and if I'll actually make a new costume for it. Most likely not since I don't have quite as much time as I did last year. And, I'm doubting whether or not I'll make it to many events at all this time around, not to mention I'm feeling woefully under-prepared to go to any re-enactment events here especially as they prefer much more hand-sewing than I am accustomed to. Castlefest is also a maybe. Help! I need some extra motivation for these!

On another note, I think I may attempt growing moss in my backyard. I have some nice shady spots for it, and it would help fill in those areas with a little green. I think it would also look nice with my rock garden, and with the ponds.  Give it a bit of a Japanese feel to it maybe (hm maybe I should just focus on getting the jungle back under control first...) I was definitely inspired by the Japanese garden here at Clingendael (opening again in 30 April-June) So if anyone has any they'd like to get rid of, give it to me! I'll take care of it. (not really expecting a response here so no worries)

Right, signing off on this bit of blather from me.

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