Sunday, June 12, 2011

Finally a couple new dress designs are started.

Well, it's been a while since I last put anything in here, I tend to be more active on FB for some reason. Anyways, I thought I would share with you 3 dress projects that are lurking around the house.

The first I think will either be a 17th or 18th century style dress. It will be my first time trying to make a full dress from this period.  It hasn't made up its mind yet whether it wants to be a robe a la francaise, robe a l'anglaise, or something a bit more baroque, I'm not yet sure. But then again, it could go a bit like like a caracao jacket, or riding habit type dress... 
 The main fabric is completely non-period, as it is intended for a fantasy event. It is an embroidered alcantara like substance. It has some lovely "distressing" on it, and gives off the feel of suede. I have this in both red and white. At this moment the fabric is only draped over my duct tape dummy and I've been staring at it off and on for the past few days.

This is just fabric draped over a form, nothing has been cut yet .

Another closeup of one of the other embroidery motifs scattered through the main fabric. You can see the colors a little better here.

The copper antique satin fabric below actually matches the embroidery motifs on the red fabric. I will probably use that fabric to make more trim for the dress. The "stomacher" is a cut red upholstery fabric that I only have 1 square meter of. It's not really good for much besides accessories

Here you can see the fabric in white, along with the velvet I chose to go with it. The red version is done with this brown and green, as you see, the white does not have so much color to it.

And of course, as usual both cats have slept on or otherwise investigated the fabric... (that's Miyu)

These are a few inspirational images for this dress I have in mind. They come from a variety of sources such as movies/TV (Pirates of the Caribben, The Aristocrats, The 3 musketeers); museums (Met, V&A, LA, closeup of embroidery from QE2's coronation dress, etc), and other costume recreations from historical reenactors (ie Harmon Hay, Mode Historique, some Czech and German sites I can't read very well, some Etsy shops, to name a few - please let me know if you would like a specific mention for your image or if you would like the image removed).
 And here is the second set of inspirational images, more in the blues, but here I was looking more at form or function, fabric or embroidery. (One lady photo is "cheeky" from pyrates pub)
I'm particularly fond of the blue outfit on the bottom right
I was amused at some of the coats with the hoods. Definitely something to be converted into modern wear ;)

 Now imagine with the fabric I've posted here, which way do YOU think I should go with this dress? Robe a la francaise, Robe a l'anglaise, riding habits, caraco jackets, baroque (musketeer style) ? I am imagining that the lower hem embroidery can turn into all kinds of interesting things in the dress. and I'd like to display it to its best. The copper can turn into all kinds of trim as well. The red velvet can turn either into a stomacher, hat, or purse or other accessory, so not necessarily located in its final position.

To give an idea of what the dress will be used as, it will be to portray a sort of "madam of a seaport brothel" at an event in the near future. An additional inspiration is "the Red Lady"- a female pirate during the 1600s, but I will not be necessarily sticking to that time period since it is a fantasy type event.

The second fabric set will most likely end up as something Elizabethan. I'm just not sure about putting myself in these pale colors and tromping around a muddy site however. And as I'm of a bit larger set, I'm also unsure the color will make me look even bigger.  I haven't gotten much further with this one yet...

The third dress project that is hiding around the place is a brown and gold "hunts" Elizabethan. The design is largely inspired by this website:

I have however imagined instead a brown leather jerkin embroidered in gold, with a brown velvet overskirt which uses the same leather as guarding around the hem. Gold brocades of course for the forepart and sleeves.  I'll post that one as I start working on it, since it will be an interesting feat to do with this particular type of faux leather, and the piecework I will need to do to ensure the embroidered motifs lie correctly.

The picture below is from the Barker's, but I have completely mangled it with some of my own fabrics. It was just a lot easier than drawing it all out myself (sorry!!)

Now, I only have to pick one and get started! Oh yes, and of course some more outfits for my husband as well :)